The study revealed that there is no difference in the attitude of workers towards time among private and public sector
workers. It is therefore important for private and public organization to know how to allocate time to the workers in
performing their assigned responsibilities, and how they perform on their job.
The study also revealed that there is a significant difference in the attitude of workers towards work among private and
public sector workers. This means that owners of organizations should enlighten their workers on the more reason why
they have to be contented with their job because a satisfied worker tends to perform better in his/her work.
It can also be deduced from the study carried out that there is no significant difference in workers’ perceived job
performance among private and public sector workers which means that both private and public sector workers have the
same way of perceiving their job performance.
The study revealed further that there is a significantly joint influence of workers’ attitude towards time and work on
perceived job performance in the private sector, although there is a significant independent influence of workers attitude
towards time on perceived job performance in the private sector but it does not apply to workers attitude towards work
which showed that there is no significant independent influence of workers attitude towards work on perceived job
performance in the private sector.
Findings from this study revealed that there is no significantly joint and independent influence of workers’ attitude
towards time and work on perceived job performance in the public sector which indicates that public sector workers’
attitude towards time and work does not have any influence on their perceived job performance, contrary to the private
sector workers’ attitude towards time and work that has a joint influence on perceived job performance with the worker’s
attitude towards time having the only independent influence in perceived job performance.