Lesson COG 67
Task: Discriminate left from right.
Prerequisites: ADT 1, ADT 5, COG 6, COG 27
Concept: This task represents a fundamental skill that can be used in a variety of ways. Verbal skills are not needed, as hand movement will be a sufficient response. Re-peated efforts should be made in this activity, which is the reason for the higher than normal rate of trials to meet the objective. The only reason for color identification (COG 27) as a prerequisite is for the student to participate in the game performed in Step 6.
Behavioral Objective: When requested to "show me your (right or left, randomly determined) hand," the student will correctly indicate the requested hand to a 90% ac-curacy level for 50 trials.
Materials: A colorful cloth or scarf, poster board, and markers. Use the poster board and markers to make a tabletop version of a Twister type of game.
Task Analysis:
1. Physically guide the student in the process of raising or lifting his or her right hand. While this is being done, verbally explain that "This is your right hand" (emphasize the word right while doing this).
2. Perform the concept of Step 1 for the left hand.
3. Combine the concepts of Steps 1 and 2 by randomly demonstrating both the left and right hands.
4. Continue Step 3, slowly reducing physical guidance until only gestural and verbal prompting are needed, and replace the statements from Steps 1 and 2 with "Show me your (right or left) hand."
5. Slowly reduce the gestural prompting until only the verbal request from Step 4 is used. Continue until the objective is met.
6. Create a simplified tabletop version of the game Twister by creating a poster with a 4-inch by 4-inch grid. Draw a thick line down the center of the poster and color in each grid square on the left and right side with different colors. Have the student place a marker on the color requested on the left or right side.