19. You want to know what your American friend who is here
visiting you thinks of Bangkok. You say: ____
1. How do you find Bangkok?
2. What does Bangkok look like?
3. Have you ever been to Bangkok?
4. Did you visit all places in Bangkok?
20. A secretary is late for a meeting for the first time. She gives an
excuse that she had to take her son to the doctor. Her boss says:
1. I see, but I don’t want any excuses.
2. Again? That’s the same old excuse.
3. That’s all right. Don’t worry about it.
4. You never change! You’re always late.
รหัสวิชา 03 ภาษาอังกฤษ หนา
ที่ 29 กมภาพ ุ ันธ
2551 เวลา 14.30 - 16.30 น.
21. The pipe in your bathroom has started making a loud noise, so
you call the landlady. She says: _____
1. Well, too bad. The plumber just left.
2. It’s a pity! You’d better wait until I know what to do.
3. Don’t worry! Let me think of a way to solve the problem.
4. That doesn’t sound good! I’ll send a plumber up right away.
22. You have just said something which makes your friend very
upset. You apologize to her. You say: ____
1. I beg your pardon. It’s really my fault.
2. How talkative I am! Please forgive me for that.
3. What a silly thing! I hope you don’t mind me saying that.
4. I’m terribly sorry for what I said just now. I didn’t mean it.
23. Your friend has to visit a customer upcountry tomorrow, and he
asks you to work for him. You say: ____
1. OK, I’ll take care of it.
2. Have a good time, then.
3. I would rather not go with you.
4. You could go wherever you like.
รหัสวิชา 03 ภาษาอังกฤษ หนา
ที่ 29 กมภาพ ุ ันธ
2551 เวลา 14.30 - 16.30 น.
24. There is a phone call for a person who doesn’t work in your
office. You answer the phone and say: _____
1. Who are you talking to?
2. Isn’t that a strange name?
3. Nobody by that name works here.
4. No one has ever seen him before.
25. You and your friend have been waiting half an hour for another
friend who has not yet shown up at the cinema. The movie has
already started. You say: _____
1. He can’t forget us.
2. He will never forget the date.
3. He should not forget the time.
4. He must have forgotten our appointment.