kwasi and his twin sister, Kiah,stepped off the school bus.As they walked home,Kwasi was deep in thought.
Kiah chatter about her day, but kwasi wasn't listening
He was thinking about how much he wanted to take responsibility for the family's new horse. As they near the traning arena at the Rocking A Ranch, Kiah nudged kwasi
The twins watched as the chestnut-colored horse calmed and started cutting a fine circle around Jarod. the Rocking A's horse trainer. With his head up. nose forward, and golden tail streaming behind, Spirit made wide rings. He trotted easily at the end of the thirty-foot strap that connected Spirit to Jarod's hand. directing his pupil, Jarod used vocal commands to signal the horse's next move. ''walk,'' he said just loud eough for Spirit to hear him. Spirit's gait siowed.