Italy is the country with the highest number of wines produced
by drying or dehydration techniques, according to the description
given by Mencarelli and Tonutti (2013). Beyond the special characteristics
of wine obtained with these techniques, one of the major
problems of grape dehydration is berry decay due to the development
of fungi, such as Botrytis cinerea, as well as Aspergillus spp.
and Fusarium spp., well-known mycotoxin producers. Indeed, it
has been reported that wines produced from dried grapes are the
most contaminated by ochratoxin (Valero, Marìn, Ramos, &
Sanchis, 2008). The occurrence of moulds and yeasts varies
strongly with the habitat, climatic conditions during the
grape-growing period, the grape cultivar and degree of maturity,
plant-protecting agents, farming systems and most of all the phytosanitary status of the grape berries and cellar equipment
Italy is the country with the highest number of wines producedby drying or dehydration techniques, according to the descriptiongiven by Mencarelli and Tonutti (2013). Beyond the special characteristicsof wine obtained with these techniques, one of the majorproblems of grape dehydration is berry decay due to the developmentof fungi, such as Botrytis cinerea, as well as Aspergillus spp.and Fusarium spp., well-known mycotoxin producers. Indeed, ithas been reported that wines produced from dried grapes are themost contaminated by ochratoxin (Valero, Marìn, Ramos, &Sanchis, 2008). The occurrence of moulds and yeasts variesstrongly with the habitat, climatic conditions during thegrape-growing period, the grape cultivar and degree of maturity,plant-protecting agents, farming systems and most of all the phytosanitary status of the grape berries and cellar equipment
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