they would need to make some efforts to fulfil the task, and there is a chance for them to fail. In
fact, during the interaction with the immediate environment people will select the information and
perform the relevant task based on how it passes through the attentional filter as this will help them to
analyze, recognize, interpret and store it in the memory (Gleitman, 1995). Thus, there is a chance that the
messages get lost, as it does not pass through that filter. Such process of attention occurs when our
sensory modalities work normally and are able to select one most appealing stimulus while filtering out
the rest. In carrying out this process, how fast we select it or not depending on how many features are
involved in the stimulus as target or distractors. Since there are infinite situations, which apply various
stimuli that we may encounter while we do a single or serial activities, there may be a possibility for them
to face a problem in filtering out the messages.