Survival and breeding performance
We located and monitored partridges by radiotracking
(using AOR-AR8200 multiband receivers
and three element YAGI antennas; Biotrack) at least
2 times every week from capture date to the
beginning of hunting season (early October), because
we were mainly interested in natural mortality causes
(not losses due to hunting). Birds that did not survive
at least 7 days after tagging and those which transmitter
failed (unknown fate) were excluded from the
analyses. Thus, we finally used data collected over
3 years on 89 adult red-legged partridges (51 females
and 38 males), which were monitored until death,
signal loss (i.e until batteries run out), or the
beginning of hunting season. The cause of natural
mortality was identified for 34 birds, and included
predation, poaching (hunted outside the hunting
season), agricultural practices and other unknown
mortality causes. Because we were interested in natural mortality, we excluded losses due to agricultural
practices (one male killed by a combine
harvester at night), poaching (n = 5) or unknown
cases (n = 3) from our analyses of mortality causes
Survival and breeding performanceWe located and monitored partridges by radiotracking(using AOR-AR8200 multiband receiversand three element YAGI antennas; Biotrack) at least2 times every week from capture date to thebeginning of hunting season (early October), becausewe were mainly interested in natural mortality causes(not losses due to hunting). Birds that did not surviveat least 7 days after tagging and those which transmitterfailed (unknown fate) were excluded from theanalyses. Thus, we finally used data collected over3 years on 89 adult red-legged partridges (51 femalesand 38 males), which were monitored until death,signal loss (i.e until batteries run out), or thebeginning of hunting season. The cause of naturalmortality was identified for 34 birds, and includedpredation, poaching (hunted outside the huntingseason), agricultural practices and other unknownmortality causes. Because we were interested in natural mortality, we excluded losses due to agriculturalpractices (one male killed by a combineharvester at night), poaching (n = 5) or unknowncases (n = 3) from our analyses of mortality causes
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