The organ index of liver, spleen and thymus was determined to examine the influence of the test substances to the
humoral immune response. The weight of the liver, spleen and thymus was determined to so as to see the
relationship, if any, between the rate of phagocytosis and the weight of the organs. An increase in organ weight
compared to the control group represents an increase in the immune response, i.e., the test substance is an
immunostimulant and vice versa. The increased weights of the organs indicate an increase in proliferation of the
immune cells in the respective organs.
Table 3: Organ Index Values
Group Dose
(mg/kg bw)
Relative organ weight (g)
Liver Spleen Thymus
Control 0 6.895ฑ0.28 0.948ฑ0.13 0.576ฑ0.19
PSP 3800 6.056ฑ0.95 1.044ฑ0.03 0.789ฑ0.05
7600 6.110ฑ0.57 1.061ฑ0.15 0.695ฑ0.29
Zymosan A 10 6.942ฑ0.74 1.170ฑ0.50 0.806ฑ0.12*
MP 15 5.263ฑ0.76* 0.682ฑ0.19* 0.423ฑ0.27
PSP= Pumpkin seed powder; MP= Methylprenisolone, The values are meanฑSD from 6 mice in each group; *