What I wanna do is show you a little bit on how to use %uh scopes and color correction don’t think Adam as engineering tools I don’t want you to think about front breeze way timing front porch back porch all that stuff we don’t care about that all really care about is using how the away for monitor as basically a graph that’s all we really care about and the graph the ring look at our show your arm on the call of just my standard present for break up display and my brick preceptor bright display has a regular way for monitor the way their way for monitor works is basically times versus voltage you like okay were already in technical and right so don’t think it is time versus voltage think it is brightness versus left to right that’s all you gotta think I’ve right brightness worse is left to right you the this is black down here on the spot on line and that’s all white up there on that line and then everything that goes from left to right is the same that goes left to right down here so if you look at this little black patch right there on the chip chart that is that little black patch down there it’s dark chip chart that is that little black patch down there it’s dark and so it’s down at the bottom then above it and below this black patches some gray stuff that is up here and you can’t tell in this area right here whether that’s the gray stuff that’s above for the gray stuff that’s below it’s the same there’s no way to tell vertically where stuff is here it’s just horizontally and everything else is based on brightness so this black blob here is this black is this lowest little step here and then so on here is here and just goes all the way up to the brightest and that goes across this way so the bottom rove chips black to white goes here black to white then this Sat that goes from white down the black is from here white down to black in this grey stuff in the middle sky know the scrapped all the way around so that’s the basics away monito right now the second type of way for monitor that we have that’s kinda critical is an RGB parade and this is where you’re basically gonna live is a colorist in RGB parade two-way RGB pre-work is its looks exactly like the way for we just now right its squished a little bit cuz we gotta fit the whole thing in there but it looks the same as this is the thing we just looked at only now we’ve got this is the red channel the green channel the blue channel I know that this is real basic for someone you bust but if I don’t explain this for the people that don’t get it nothing also make any sense looking at this chips are you thing cave this thing looks well balanced especially when when you’re looking it up here compared to this one like wow that’s yeah its balance this is why you need a way for monitor because this is not balance and I’ll show you why I’m working in avid Symphony I could do anything I use resolve I use color I use are here to speed grade I’ll use anything a my the luster but not much the biggest thing with color correction is not necessarily doing the tools what really matters is being able to figure out how to analyze with your eyes on the monitor or using this more importantly to be able to figure out what is wrong with this picture because if you look at this if you look at this your eyes can’t really tell you what’s wrong but I can look at this way for monitor and tell that it’s not balance in our show you how first ball the biggest issue is not really a balance issue bot it’s a contrast issue if you look up here for this trip chart when these are supposed to be pure black and that supposed to be pure white these thing need to be sitting right down on this is 0-1 in some you may say oh what I heard about like 7.5 i reset up that doesn’t exist in HD land it doesn’t exist in digital SD land it doesn’t exist in any other country in the world so basically you can forget about it so let’s just asy that black always sits right there well this part away from that should be black right there that needs to come all the way down to the first thing I want to do