To date, little information has been gathered
concerning the osmoregulatory physiology of the
Chinese sturgeon. However, such information would
provide a better understanding of the life history of
this species, and could be used to develop
conservation strategies. The main objective of this
study was to obtain detailed information on development
of osmoregulatory mechanisms, and to examine
alterations in the short term in juvenile Chinese
sturgeon transferred directly from fresh water to
brackish water. Gill and spiral valve Na+,K+-ATPase
activity, serum osmolarity and serum ion concentration
were the main parameters investigated.
To date, little information has been gatheredconcerning the osmoregulatory physiology of theChinese sturgeon. However, such information wouldprovide a better understanding of the life history ofthis species, and could be used to developconservation strategies. The main objective of thisstudy was to obtain detailed information on developmentof osmoregulatory mechanisms, and to examinealterations in the short term in juvenile Chinesesturgeon transferred directly from fresh water tobrackish water. Gill and spiral valve Na+,K+-ATPaseactivity, serum osmolarity and serum ion concentrationwere the main parameters investigated.
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