What?” The middle-aged man is puzzled, therefore asked to Chu Feng.
„Is the trust, our two both are the honest good youth, will not deceive your.” Chu Feng said.
„Em, your boy looks like quite credible, stammered compared with that.”
„Good, I guide for you.” The middle-aged man said.
„I scratch, isn't this personality discrimination?” A Wang Qiang face was not happy.
But that middle-aged man also pays no attention to Wang Qiang, instead chatted with Chu Feng directly.
Chatted is chatting, before they then arrived at a restaurant.
This restaurant is very **, is precisely in this city, a highest building, reaches as high as hundred.
Also regardless of the bricks or the accessory, is the red, is actually multi-faceted.
But this, is here most famous hundred heavy linnet buildings.
What is most important, the entrances of these hundred heavy linnet buildings, are standing dozens guards, majority is the Half Emperor peak.
But is one of the head, unexpectedly is a Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, although the step is not high, may after all be Martial Emperor Realm.
In Holy Land of Martialism, a Martial Emperor powerhouse of able to move unhindered side, here unexpectedly has become a gate.
Coming out that henceforth can look , the backgrounds of these hundred heavy linnet buildings, but also is really some are not simple.
„I have not deceived you, these hundred heavy linnet buildings, but this city city lord opens, if you do not have money.”
„Because of our city lord vicious and merciless, you cannot offend, offended, must die.” Sees these protect guards, the middle-aged man has somewhat flustered, starts to urge Chu Feng they to leave.
„Uncle Liu do not fear, we eat.”
Chu Feng calm saying with a smile, after chat, he knows that this middle-aged man is called Liu Yue, is the native, is not any school and influence, although cultivation, but in this city, apparently does not have what status.
But Chu Feng can feel that this Liu Yue natural disposition does not go bad, the manner also has some strengths of spirit, will otherwise not kneel that Continental Sun Pavillion.
In addition he is Chu Feng and Wang Qiang steps into Hundred Refining Ordinary Realm, the first person who knows, Chu Feng wants to ask him to eat really well.
„Chu Feng, you are clear, this is not jokes.” Liu Yue did not feel relieved that after all from the beforehand matter, he always thinks Chu Feng and Wang Qiang, a little tiger.
„Uncle Liu, you forgot, among people, what is most important was what?” Chu Feng asked.
„Ok, at the worst dies together, walks, I guided the Liu Yue doubtful agreement to you”, but in the heart still lacked self-confidence.
Therefore, do not look Liu Yue stride goes to the main entrance lines of hundred heavy linnet buildings, but mouth actually unceasing was mumbling: „This does not pull, to have the good food, simply to bet including the life.”