Statistical analysis was performed with the software package
SPSS 17. Changes from the initial assessment to the
follow-up and differences between the groups were explored
with two-factorial multivariate analyses of variance with
repeated measures. All data were analyzed by intent-totreat
methodology to compare the IG and WLC in terms of
the treatment that the children were randomly allocated
irrespective of the treatment they actually received. We
hypothesized a reduction in abdominal pain (frequency,
intensity, and duration) and pain-related impairment as well
as an increase in health-related quality of life (interaction
group × time) would occur for the IG compared to the WLC.
If sphericity (Mauchly test) was violated, a correction of the
degrees of freedom, according to Greenhouse and Geisser
[13, 14], was implemented and reported. Furthermore, the
effect sizes for group differences following Cohen [6] and
the effect of treatment were calculated [18]. The rates of
success (defined as non-fulfillment of the diagnostic criteria
Statistical analysis was performed with the software packageSPSS 17. Changes from the initial assessment to thefollow-up and differences between the groups were exploredwith two-factorial multivariate analyses of variance withrepeated measures. All data were analyzed by intent-totreatmethodology to compare the IG and WLC in terms ofthe treatment that the children were randomly allocatedirrespective of the treatment they actually received. Wehypothesized a reduction in abdominal pain (frequency,intensity, and duration) and pain-related impairment as wellas an increase in health-related quality of life (interactiongroup × time) would occur for the IG compared to the WLC.If sphericity (Mauchly test) was violated, a correction of thedegrees of freedom, according to Greenhouse and Geisser[13, 14], was implemented and reported. Furthermore, theeffect sizes for group differences following Cohen [6] andthe effect of treatment were calculated [18]. The rates ofsuccess (defined as non-fulfillment of the diagnostic criteria
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