Deposition of carotenoids in egg yolk by short-term supplement of coloured carrot (Daucus carota) varieties as forage material for egg-laying hens.
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Supplying egg-laying hens with different forage materials may influence egg production and quality. The aim of this study was to examine the short-term effects of standard feed plus 70 g day(-1) per hen ofthree coloured carrot varieties ( orange,yellow and purple) as forage material in comparison with a standard feed control on egg production,egg yolk colour anddeposition of carotenoids in the yolk.
Carrot supplementation reduced feed intakes significantly, but not on a dry matter basis. Orange carrot treatment sigificantly,but not not on a dry matter basis. Orange carrot treatment significantly reduced egg mass production, whereas yellow and purple carrot treatments did not differ from the control. Egg and yolk weights of all carrot-supplemented treatments were significantly lower than those of the control, but yolk percentages were similar. Yolk redness increased significantly in the order control< yellow< orange1.5-fold) and beta-carotene(>100-fold) compared with the control.
Supplementing. the feed of egg-laying hens with coloured carrots efficiently increased yolk colour parameters and carotenoid contents, which gives opportunities for improved nutritional value of eggs from forage material-supplemented hens.