1. Taking leadership positions as campus innovators and change agents is critical to the success of delivering library services in today’s “information society.”
2. Committing to developing campuswide information literacy initiatives on our campuses in order to facilitate our ongoing involvement in the teaching and learning process is necessary.
3. Designing instructional and educational programs and classes to assist patrons in using library services and learning information literacy is absolutely essential to gaining the necessary skills (trade) and knowledge (profession) for lifelong success.
4. Collaborating and engaging in dialogue with instructional technologists and designers is vital to the development of programs, services and resources needed to facilitate the instructional mission of academic libraries.
5. Implementing adaptive, creative, proactive, and innovative change in library instruction can be enhanced by communicating and collaborating with newly created instructional technology/design librarians and existing instructional designers and technologists.
6. Transforming our relationship with faculty requires that we concentrate our efforts
to assist them in integrating technology and library resources into (hybrid/blended) courses.