Vitamin-C is an important anti-oxidant, which
functions as a co-substrate for many enzymes and
also helps to protect against several diseases such as
cancer, heart disease, stress and in building of
cartilage (Yokoyama et al., 2000; Riemersma et al.,
2000; Sargeant et al., 2000).
In this study vitamin-C content in freshly squeezed
oranges (Mandarin, Ambersweet and Tangrin),
commercial liquid and powdered orange juices,
collected from the local market, was determined.
Furthermore the seasonal vitamin-C variation in fresh
oranges, and the effect of orange storage and
preservatives was investigated. The pharmaceutical
preparations, Calwood-C and tablets, were used as
standard vitamin-C. The vitamin-C content in the
commercial vitamin-C tablets was found to be
500.06±0.03 mg/tablet in CaC-1000 and
497.13±0.09 mg/tablet in Calwood-C (Figure 1, Table
Vitamin-C is an important anti-oxidant, whichfunctions as a co-substrate for many enzymes andalso helps to protect against several diseases such ascancer, heart disease, stress and in building ofcartilage (Yokoyama et al., 2000; Riemersma et al.,2000; Sargeant et al., 2000).In this study vitamin-C content in freshly squeezedoranges (Mandarin, Ambersweet and Tangrin),commercial liquid and powdered orange juices,collected from the local market, was determined.Furthermore the seasonal vitamin-C variation in freshoranges, and the effect of orange storage andpreservatives was investigated. The pharmaceuticalpreparations, Calwood-C and tablets, were used asstandard vitamin-C. The vitamin-C content in thecommercial vitamin-C tablets was found to be500.06±0.03 mg/tablet in CaC-1000 and497.13±0.09 mg/tablet in Calwood-C (Figure 1, Table1).
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