Physical environment includes all the tangible things inside the restaurants. To improve the physical environment, restaurants have to spend a heavy amount on the interior designing; cartons, floor and accessories etc, but these expenditures are investment in their nature. The amount spend will increase the assets and also attract customers towards the restaurants.
The remaining three factors – cleanliness, staff cooperation and suitable environment for family gathering – are directly related to the HR policies, employees‘ motivation & behavior and administration. Moral building training and persuasive techniques should be used to enhance the efficiency and behavior of the front line employees. Whereas, the managers should make sure that no such activities are performed in the restaurants that are against the Pakistani culture and the overall environment should appeal a nice, friendly and proper atmosphere for the customers. Low result of the preferential treatment is because of the fact, that was observed during the initial interviews, that people go to the restaurants to spend time with their family, spouse or friends so they are not interested in to be treated preferentially