Thanks for stopping in to visit my website! I hope your time here gives you a chance to get to know me better. When I sit down at my laptop to write a novel, I pray for you, and I pray God will use the words He gives me to touch your hearts. Because of those special moments in prayer, I think of you as friends. If you lived next door, we'd get together and have a cup of coffee, or a cup of tea, my favorite.
Since we probably don't live on the same street or even in the same state, our friendship has to happen here, on my website. In this section, you have access to information on my background, both personal and professional, as well as details on how my husband, Don, and I adopted three boys from Haiti. Being that I'm a mother of six kids, I thought it would be good to include tips we've found helpful in parenting and funny anecdotes that come up. My journal is also here, where you'll see whether the highlight of my week was a burned casserole or a completed manuscript.
Again, thanks for taking the time to visit. If we get the chance to meet at one of my events, we'll already feel like friends!