Passage 1 There are many kinds of graphs that can be used to show information. Another name for information i data. Graphs makes report and science research more powerful. They let us see with our eyes what the numbers actually mean. They bring the numbers to life so we can analyze them. We can look at the results and understand them better. You choose a graph depending on what you want to show. Certioain kinds of graphs are better than others to make information stand out. When you have data to include in a report or presentation, choose the one that fits your data best. A pie chart is good for showing a part of a whole. A Line chart is excellent choice if you want to describe how something changes over time. It is also good for showing big differences. Use it to compare the highest and lowest numbers or the shortest and tallest plants. Data is represented with pictures or symbols on a pictograph. Each picture or symbol can represent whatever number ofitems you choose. A colorful Bar graph can show changes over time. You can also use it to make comparisons between two or more things. A Venn diagram uses two overlapping circles. They are perfect for sorting infomation. You can see them to sort plants, for example. Plants with green leaves go on the left. Plants with mowers go on the right. Plants with both go in the middle where he circles overlap. Choosing the right graph can help you create a better project. Your data will be displayed clearly for other to understand.