Support and enhance anti-poaching tracking and intelligence
operations, through the development, training and education
of tactical tracker and intelligence units in all protected areas.
Facilitate appropriate mandates to allow park rangers to
pursue poachers and conduct patrols outside park boundaries,
and develop international agreements to facilitate cross
border cooperation to pursue, arrest and extradite poachers
and illegal traders.
Strengthen anti-smuggling operations, customs controls
and container search programmes (including the controls
of small airstrips, and boats in ports and estuaries). Enhance
and improve the use of controlled deliveries and forensic
analysis to identify the source of ivory and support
the investi gations of the criminal networks operating along
the entire illegal ivory supply chain.
Enhance national and international interagency collaboration
to fight organized wildlife crime by supporting programmes
that target enforcement along the entire illegal
ivory supply chain, such as through the ICCWC and regional
criminal intelligence units and networks, as well through
judiciary training and the practical application of ‘best practice’
techniques and methodologies for conducting investigations
and joint enforcement activities.
Address weak governance and corruption at all levels, including
in customs, the military, the police, the wildlife departments
and other governmental agencies, using transboundary
criminal intelligence units and further improving
training and organization of specialized, well-paid and
strongly-mandated anti-poaching units working inside and
outside protected areas to undertake both intelligence and
enforcement operations