In the last year, my family and I went to maui. We went because it was summer break and my dad was able to some time off. My mother told me we were going one day at dinner. I was so excited. So, We packed are bags, and drove to the airport and we got on the plane. It was fun because I had never been on the plane before. Then, we watch a movie on the plane; It was "Harry Potter". Then, we landed on Maui picked up our rental car and drove to our hotel. Our hotel was very nice. It had a pool shop's a nice beach and cute lifeguard. We did a lot of fun things on Maui. It was. It was my first time going to the tropics, which I really love. We drove to hana, snorkeled and went to the beach everyday. One day I almost drowned when I got caught in a riptide and in some big wave. It is scary. Then we came home and the plane is delayed in honolulu. Then I had to go to study and I was sad. I love Maui, it was the best vacation of my life, it was great and you should go.