It's estimated that Americans consume 10-12 g of total fiber per day, less than half the amount of the recommended daily intake. Epidemiological and clinical studies have correlated high daily fiber intake with an improvement in overall health.
Bios Life® Cardio is a dietary supplement designed to increased daily fiber intake. Each serving of Bios Life® Cardio contains three grams of dietary fiber. When taken three times daily, Bios Life® Cardio contributes nearly half of the recommended daily value of fiber. Fiber supplementation has been shown to decrease preprandial and postprandial glucose levels and lower LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B levels.
In addition to fiber supplementation, Bios Life® Cardio contains a patented blend of phytosterols, policosanol, Chrysanthemum morifolium, vitamins, and minerals. This blend of ingredients optimizes cholesterol levels through a combination of four mechanisms. First, the soluble fiber matrix prevents cholesterol reabsorption in the gastrointestinal tract through bile-acid sequestration. Second, the phytosterols reduce dietary absorption of cholesterol. Third, policosanol inhibits hepatic synthesis of cholesterol mediated through HMG-CoA reductase. Fourth, Chrysanthemum morifolium provides phytonutrients that enhance conversion of cholesterol to 7-α-hydryoxycholesterol. The four mechanisms provide a synergistic approach to optimizing cholesterol levels.