The US FDA is a member agency of the National Nanotechnology Initiative, a federal research and development program that promotes the responsible expansion of nanotechnology. In the United States, the FDA in 1999 made a decision to allow nanosized particle ingredients to be used in sunscreens without new safety assessments based on previous safety assessments of larger particles. However, in 2006, a coalition of public interest organizations led by the International Center for Technology Assessment and including Friends of the Earth filed the first US legal action on the potential human health and environmental risks of nanotechnology. The legal petition filed with the FDA demanded that the FDA comprehensively amend its regulations to address the human health and environmental risks of nanomaterials in consumer products, including requiring mandatory nanoingredient product labeling and premarket nanospectific toxicity testing. The petition also called for the recall of nanosunscreens currently on the market with manufactured nanosized particles of TiO2.