Now we know we need to make sure WATCH OUT
1. Financial Invoices and Vendor Pricing
Condition (Current Situation):
Goods and services, which should be purchased via Purchase Orders, are purchased using Financial Invoices (FI). Financial invoices are not submitted for processing timely. FI pricing does not agree to outline agreements in SAP and/or contract pricing in HCM.
Consequence/Risk (Magnitude of the difference between what is and what should be):
Financial Invoices:
Audit Services reviewed 30 Financial Invoices (FIs) with an approximate value of $1.4M from July 2012 through July 2013 and noted the following:
• 4 out of 30 (13%) financial invoices with an approximate value of $15K were inappropriately used for the purchase of material inventory and subcontractor services provided at the well site. These materials/services should have been purchased via Purchase Order (PO) channel.
• 6 out of 30 (20%) financial invoices with an approximate value of $101K had an average delay of 307 days between the invoice date and the clearing date. Once the invoices were received by accounts payable, invoices were paid according to the payment terms outlined in the contract. The delay between invoice date and clearing date was related to delays receiving the corrected invoices from the vendor. The liability, however, was not recognized until payment was processed.
2 out of 6 (33%) financial invoices with an approximate value of $17K were dating back to 2010 and 2011.
Vendor Pricing:
Audit Services reviewed invoices associated with 10 POs and 10 FIs with an approximate value of $2.9M processed between August 2012 and July 2013 and noted the following:
• 2 out of 20 (10 %) invoices with an approximate value of $672K had prices for goods and services which did not agree with the prices listed in the Approved Purchase Outline Agreement (APOA) and the contract uploaded into the Halliburton Contract Management (HCM) system.
• 1 out of 20 (5 %) invoices with an approximate value of $157K had prices for goods and services which did not agree with the prices listed in the Approved Purchase Outline Agreement (APOA), however the FI pricing matched the vendor contract.
Utilizing the FI buying channel to purchase material inventory removes the additional controls present in the purchase order process, which hinders the ability to track material usage and purchase history.
Failure to capture and record liabilities misstates the financial statement by understating liabilities and expenses.
Financial Invoices that do not agree to an outline agreement creates the potential for inaccurate payments which can expose the company to inflated pricing ultimately negatively impacting working capital and FBOI percentages. Outline agreements that do not reflect the current pricing details create inefficiencies in the purchasing process. In addition, it may lead to decreased visibility over potential fraudulent activities if collusion were to occur.
Criteria (What should be):
Company Business Practice 4-11025 “Financial Invoice” states that the FI process may not be used for purchase transactions, regardless of value, involving: capital Assets, inventory, production orders and traceable plant maintenance parts (Maintenance Department requirement for SAP part numbers, which are necessary for certification and Maintenance Order record purposes.) These types of invoices or requests for payments for purchases of goods and services by Halliburton must be processed through SAP MM processing, which includes Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Proof of Delivery in a three-way matching process.
Business Practice 4-11025 “Financial Invoice” also states that purchase transactions over $2,500 (that are not part of the FI Approved List) must have an executed priced contract in Halliburton Contract Management (HCM) and an Approval Priced Outline Agreement in SAP between Halliburton and the supplier.
Company Business Practice 4-11026 “Accounting for Accrued Liabilities and Expense Accruals” states it is the responsibility of the Local F&A Manager to adequately record and report all Liabilities for each accounting period in accordance with U.S. GAAP and Company Policy and business practices for his/her location. It is the responsibility of all other functional area management to participate in and provide feedback on reviews of all reported Liabilities, whether contingent or accrued, and to provide oversight on the establishment of Company –wide Liabilities.
Supplier contracting guidelines established in the Work Method WM-GL-HAL-PTP-207 states “the SAP Approved Purchase Outline Agreement (APOA) is an internal document used by the Company to import accurate pricing and other terms into each Purchase Order. The prices for goods and service in the APOA must match what is in the HCM contract document and attributes, and the OA number should be accurately linked in HCM to ensure that the details of the contract appear in each PO.”
Cause (Reasons for the difference):
The location did not create a Purchase Requisitions (PR) and a PO to purchase materials and subcontract service at the well site, because these transactions were considered immaterial (less than $2,500). Accounts Payable personnel processed the invoices as FIs with reference to an APOA number.
The location had previously performed reconciliations with the vendor only at the vendor request. The location implemented an annual reconciliation with all vendors which resulted in several older invoice payments in 2013. .
After the Process Management Review (PMR) completed earlier this year, the location’s Procurement team has been working on executing the action plan developed. As part of the action plan, the top twenty vendors’ APOA have already been updated. The remaining vendors’ APOAs are being reviewed and updated when discrepancies are identified.
Thomas Lim
VOIP 88 606 6647
MOBILE +66-918180953
Now we know we need to make sure WATCH OUT1. Financial Invoices and Vendor PricingCondition (Current Situation):Goods and services, which should be purchased via Purchase Orders, are purchased using Financial Invoices (FI). Financial invoices are not submitted for processing timely. FI pricing does not agree to outline agreements in SAP and/or contract pricing in HCM. Consequence/Risk (Magnitude of the difference between what is and what should be):Financial Invoices:Audit Services reviewed 30 Financial Invoices (FIs) with an approximate value of $1.4M from July 2012 through July 2013 and noted the following:• 4 out of 30 (13%) financial invoices with an approximate value of $15K were inappropriately used for the purchase of material inventory and subcontractor services provided at the well site. These materials/services should have been purchased via Purchase Order (PO) channel.• 6 out of 30 (20%) financial invoices with an approximate value of $101K had an average delay of 307 days between the invoice date and the clearing date. Once the invoices were received by accounts payable, invoices were paid according to the payment terms outlined in the contract. The delay between invoice date and clearing date was related to delays receiving the corrected invoices from the vendor. The liability, however, was not recognized until payment was processed. 2 out of 6 (33%) financial invoices with an approximate value of $17K were dating back to 2010 and 2011.Vendor Pricing:Audit Services reviewed invoices associated with 10 POs and 10 FIs with an approximate value of $2.9M processed between August 2012 and July 2013 and noted the following:• 2 out of 20 (10 %) invoices with an approximate value of $672K had prices for goods and services which did not agree with the prices listed in the Approved Purchase Outline Agreement (APOA) and the contract uploaded into the Halliburton Contract Management (HCM) system.• 1 out of 20 (5 %) invoices with an approximate value of $157K had prices for goods and services which did not agree with the prices listed in the Approved Purchase Outline Agreement (APOA), however the FI pricing matched the vendor contract.Impact/RiskUtilizing the FI buying channel to purchase material inventory removes the additional controls present in the purchase order process, which hinders the ability to track material usage and purchase history.Failure to capture and record liabilities misstates the financial statement by understating liabilities and expenses. Financial Invoices that do not agree to an outline agreement creates the potential for inaccurate payments which can expose the company to inflated pricing ultimately negatively impacting working capital and FBOI percentages. Outline agreements that do not reflect the current pricing details create inefficiencies in the purchasing process. In addition, it may lead to decreased visibility over potential fraudulent activities if collusion were to occur. Criteria (What should be):Company Business Practice 4-11025 “Financial Invoice” states that the FI process may not be used for purchase transactions, regardless of value, involving: capital Assets, inventory, production orders and traceable plant maintenance parts (Maintenance Department requirement for SAP part numbers, which are necessary for certification and Maintenance Order record purposes.) These types of invoices or requests for payments for purchases of goods and services by Halliburton must be processed through SAP MM processing, which includes Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Proof of Delivery in a three-way matching process.Business Practice 4-11025 “Financial Invoice” also states that purchase transactions over $2,500 (that are not part of the FI Approved List) must have an executed priced contract in Halliburton Contract Management (HCM) and an Approval Priced Outline Agreement in SAP between Halliburton and the supplier. Company Business Practice 4-11026 “Accounting for Accrued Liabilities and Expense Accruals” states it is the responsibility of the Local F&A Manager to adequately record and report all Liabilities for each accounting period in accordance with U.S. GAAP and Company Policy and business practices for his/her location. It is the responsibility of all other functional area management to participate in and provide feedback on reviews of all reported Liabilities, whether contingent or accrued, and to provide oversight on the establishment of Company –wide Liabilities.Supplier contracting guidelines established in the Work Method WM-GL-HAL-PTP-207 states “the SAP Approved Purchase Outline Agreement (APOA) is an internal document used by the Company to import accurate pricing and other terms into each Purchase Order. The prices for goods and service in the APOA must match what is in the HCM contract document and attributes, and the OA number should be accurately linked in HCM to ensure that the details of the contract appear in each PO.”Cause (Reasons for the difference):The location did not create a Purchase Requisitions (PR) and a PO to purchase materials and subcontract service at the well site, because these transactions were considered immaterial (less than $2,500). Accounts Payable personnel processed the invoices as FIs with reference to an APOA number.The location had previously performed reconciliations with the vendor only at the vendor request. The location implemented an annual reconciliation with all vendors which resulted in several older invoice payments in 2013. . After the Process Management Review (PMR) completed earlier this year, the location’s Procurement team has been working on executing the action plan developed. As part of the action plan, the top twenty vendors’ APOA have already been updated. The remaining vendors’ APOAs are being reviewed and updated when discrepancies are identified. Thomas LimVOIP 88 606 6647MOBILE +66-918180953
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