Levels of Associations
Article 7 Types of Associations
Associations in Lao PDR include:
1. Economic associations;
2. Professional, technical and creative associations;
3. Social welfare associations;
4. And others.
Article 8 Levels of Associations
Associations are classified into three levels:
1. Associations operating at the national level;
2. Associations operating at province or capital level;
3. Associations operating at district or municipality or village level.
Article 9 National Level Associations
National level associations are associations registered and operating throughout the
country or in parts covering several provinces and/or capital.
Article 10 Province or Capital Level Associations
Province or capital level associations are associations registered and operating within a
specific province or the capital.
Article 11 District or Chief-Town or Village Level Associations
Associations operating within a district or chief-town or village are associations
registered and operating within a specific district or chief-town or village only.