To Mr. Kelvin,
Your organization is scheduled for an audit of your current Quality Management System on [23/11/2015]
Good preparation will assist the auditor and make for a favourable environment. Please have your documentation prepared for the audit. Please forward a copy of the following documents for review prior to your audit if you have not already done so.
1. Quality Policy
2. Quality Manual
3. Internal Audit Schedule for [2015]
4. Management Review Meeting Minutes
5. Copies of any pertinent certifications you may have.
The audit will be process oriented and will address the areas listed on page 2 of this document (Audit Schedule).
We will not only be reviewing compliance to the system but also the effectiveness of your organization to meet Expro standards and expectations. In other words, can you manage your process inputs to provide Expro with a product and service that meets Expro standards on time?
Expro is an industry leader focused on continuous improvement, as such we expect our suppliers to assist us through their own continuous improvement efforts by setting process controls in all business systems including occupational safety and environmental awareness.
Supplier audits are an opportunity for you to grow in a partnership with Expro by identifying your system capabilities and acknowledging your willingness to participate in continuous improvement. We look forward to meeting with you and having the opportunity to witness your processes. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.