Using the concatenated sequence,most Microbispora type strains could be distinguished
with high probability support. Based on these analyses,
we propose that five of the species reclassified
within the subspecies of M. rosea (M. chromogenes,
M. karnatakensis, M. parva, M. aerata and
M. thermorosea) are distinct from M. rosea and so
should be retained as distinct species. The concatenated
16S-gyrB-rpoB gene phylogenic tree had significant
probability support and topology. We propose the use
of concatenated 16S-gyrB-rpoB gene sequences to
determine phylogenetic relationships within the genus
Microbispora. We also suggest that strains sharing
[98.1 % 16S-gyrB-rpoB gene sequences similarity be
defined as a single species, based on results from this
analysis. Seven of the strains isolated from V. divergens
were not related to any previously described Microbispora