between macroskills and microskills rather than isolating them. Maeroskills are listening, speaking. reading and writing. On the other hand, microskills are pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and A guide to success in ELTterms of the holistic process of English Language Teaching has been proposed (Brudhiprabha 2010) as follo Figure 4: The Teaching- Learning Process Source: Brudniprabha (2010) This shows ELT as the umbrella term covering the aspects: Basic Assumptions & Principles; (2) Strategies & Techniques; and (3) Syllabuses & Materials. These terms help reach the goal following the appropriate strategies and techniques. Referring, the finding from the teacher plays an important part of the language learning process. Benson (2008, p. proposed three myths that have significant implications for learning they are l. To learn a second language, you must start as early as possible 2. The best way to learn a second language is to use it as a medium of instruction 3. The home language gets in the way of learning a second language One of the experts gives very concrete ideas on solving the problems. Kirkpatrick (2010) reformulates Benson's three myths of language education as follows: I. There should be at least five years of instruction before using a second language as a medium of instruction 2. You do not have to start early to learn a second language 3. Fluency and literacy in the first language will help develop second language or later languages. As Benson (2008, p.2) three myths play a part of the cause of current government policy in language education (Kirkpatrick, 2010. One of the myths was to leam a second language you must start as early as possible' and tremendous pressure from parents wanting their child to start leaming a second language in their early childhood. Whereas, the teachers do not achieve a proficiency level and have a lack of access to materials to teach English as a subject alone apart from other subjects. Moreover, for the curriculum, Seidhofer (2005) agreed with Kirkpatrick that the curriculum should focus on how cultures differ and the implications for cross-cultural communication. This was