From the results it is evident that milk is a promising
fermentation media for MK-7 production by using Bacillus subtilis natto. This research successfully met its objectives of investigating the effect of fermentation conditions on MK-7 production. Stan-dard milk proved to be the most effective milk media with a MK-7 concentration of 11.22 mg/L. Among the tested nutrients, only glycerol showed a significant positive effect on MK-7 yield. Gly-cerol concentrations were screened and the optimal concentration of glycerol was found to be 1% (v/v). This study can significantly contribute to the initial development of a novel functional dairy product high in MK-7 by providing a basis of knowledge and new discoveries that can be carried out to develop a functional food that can act as a preventative in health issues, osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.