These were 1) time of pain onset (i.e., which trimester);
2) site of pain (i.e., low back, buttocks, or both);
3) radiation of pain (i.e., yes/no; site of radiating pain
[buttock, above knee, or feet]; and if unilateral or
bilateral); 4) severity of pain (i.e., mild, moderate,
severe, or very severe); and 5) type of pain (i.e., constant
or occasional).
These were 1) time of pain onset (i.e., which trimester);
2) site of pain (i.e., low back, buttocks, or both);
3) radiation of pain (i.e., yes/no; site of radiating pain
[buttock, above knee, or feet]; and if unilateral or
bilateral); 4) severity of pain (i.e., mild, moderate,
severe, or very severe); and 5) type of pain (i.e., constant
or occasional).
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