Social identity theory
-The perspective that consider when and why individuals consider themselves members of groups.
-It proposes that people have emotional reactions to the failure or success of their groups because their self-esteem gets tied into to performance of the group.
-Social identity help people reduce uncertainty about who they are and what they should do.
-People develop a lot of identity through their lives.
-Downside of social identity: Ingroup favoritism this means we see member of our ingroup better than other people, are people not in our group as all the same.
When do people develop a social identity?
Have 4 thing are Similarity, Distinctiveness, Status, Uncertainty reduction
Similarity: in value, characteristics, demography
Distinctiveness: people are more likely to notice identities that show how they are different from other group.
Status: Eg. : MPH Graduates of prestigious institutes like Manipal
Uncertainty reduction: Who they are and how they fit into the world.
Five stage of Group development:
-Forming stage: As each step is met, or bundled with the destination or mutual benefit. To contribute to structuring the group created to accept directs. To interact in different ways.
-Storming stage: This step is begins with a conflict in about an idea to work with group, a group’s behavior and group’s leader.
-norming stage: Steps that the group is trying to find a way to resolve the conflict by organizing rules, or norms, as well as the role and behavior of individuals in the group, according to chain.
-Performing: These groups can work together as a team. Relationship and understand each other A good performance and efficiency (for permanent working group. This is the final step)
-Adjourning stage: When the working group assigned work was split. But some people may have a relationship and still relationship.