To provide an assessment of practical significance (effect size) of the indirect effects, we examined the standardized regression coefficients for the two pathways that were components of the significant indirect effects. The standards set by Cohen (1988) have traditionally been used as measures of effect size. Cohen described a small, medium, and large effect as accounting for 2%, 13%, and 26% of the variance in the de- pendent variable, respectively. MacKinnon, Lockwood, Hoffman, West, and Sheets (2002) identified the standardized path coefficients associ- ated with cut-offs as .14, .36, and .51, respectively. Thus, following the logic of MacKinnon et al. (2002) we conclude that the indirect effect of extroversion–general socializing–student activities is practically sig- nificant although small to medium in size and the indirect effect of conscientiousness–eedback seeking–GPA is practically significant al- though smaller in size.