Food Offered
Dishes chosen to meet diners’ preferences
Presentation style matches food offered
Presentation style meets or exceeds guest expectation
Presentation style is deliverable both BOH and FOH * BOH and FOH – House of House and Front of House
Type of Ingredients
Ingredients are authentic and relevant
Ingredients are in line with your restaurant’s image
No more than 2 day-menus (incl. specials menus)
Keep to 1 added menu for the rest of the day (ex. Dinner menu)
Section in a Menu
Main menu: 3 to 6 sections,maximum
Sub menus: 2 to 4 section, maximum
Dishes per Section
4 to 12 dishes per section,maximum
Profitability of Dishes
Less than 10% of dishes are low in profit
At least 30% of dishes are high in profit
At least 50% of top sellers are high in profit
At least 30% of dishes have a seasonal element
At least 2 dishes per section are seasonal
Signature Dishes
Offer at least 1 signature dish in at least 3 sections
Variety of Ingredients / Dishes
Same ingredients do not appear in more than 20% of dishes per section
Same ingredients do not appear in more than 20% of entire menu
Same cooking methods not used in more than 20% of dishes per section
Most Profitable Section
Placed at the top right to middle part of the menu
Profitable Dishes
Listed at the top and bottom of each section
Least Profitable Dishes
Either removed or replaced with new dishes
At least 20% of total dishes are healthy options
Dishes per section
At least 20% OR 1 dish per section is a healthy option
No bigger than A3
No smaller than A5
Order of Section
Starters at the start, desserts at the ent
Text on Menu
Simple and easy to understand
Size and style of text is easy to read
No spelling grammar or punctuation errors
Design and Layout
Layout is clean and uncluttered
Photos feature key dishes to best effect
Design reflects the restaurant brand and personality
Material Quality
Quality of material used reflects brand value
Menus are not dirty or damaged