The story of two pairs of students milling past high school one. The first one is moretons chamit, is good learning but midnight my love. The other man is Greg Jenko was handsome but malicious. 7 years later. They both got together at the police school from a couple bites become bosom. Assist in the weaknesses of each people. When he graduated, a task they have spies masquerading as a successor to high school students in high school again to detect the drug, called HFS which are sold in the school. Using a fake name, Brad McQuaid and appreciate both the Duc's sister and living at home. Parents of tea, mit When he began to see a guy HFS The tea service at Germany which audits Siemens groups named Mick lies-to find a group of ten pharmaceutical service of this. El Rio to stay abreast, they both came to work because the drugs are sent together in Pome that will occur. They both were arrested who is head teacher at the school is principally by Greg have dodge the bullet, instead of. Tea pyramids they were grateful to a friend-friends from this incident.