metal frame size of 250 170 4mm3 using a Siempelkamp computerized
4.4. Characterization
Three sheets (250 170 4mm3) were produced for each
specimen group (A–F) by compression-moulding. Dumbbellshaped
specimens (170 10 4mm3) were mill-cut from sheets
with a rotary cutter for tensile testing. Rod-shaped specimens
(80 10 4mm3) were sawn using a circular saw from sheets
for all other tests. Specimens were conditioned and tested in
20 C/65% relative humidity.
Mechanical characterization is presented in Table 2.
A water absorption test was conducted according to DIN EN
15534-1. The water absorption of the compounds was calculated
by differential weighing of the specimens for each time period
(at Days 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 28) after total immersion into demineralized
water at a temperature of 20 C (±2). Water absorption was
calculated according to the formula:
Water absorption ð%Þ ¼ Wt W0
100 ð1Þ
where Wt is the specimen weight after a given immersion in water
and W0 is oven dry mass of the specimen weight after constant
mass was reached (weight change