You're done! To send the message, click the Send button. It will zip through the Internet to your recipients.
To change the style, font, size, or color of the text, select the text, and then click one of the buttons or menu items that allow you to change the text formatting.
Reading e‑mail messages
Most e‑mail programs and web-based e‑mail services have an inbox where you can read messages you have received. You might have to click a button labeled Send/Receive, or something similar, to receive new messages. To see a list of e‑mail messages you've received, click Inbox in the Folders list of your e‑mail program. Your e‑mail messages should appear in the message list. The list typically shows who sent the mail, the subject, and when it was received.
To read a message, click it in the message list. The contents of the message might appear below the message list in the preview pane. If so, double-click it in the message list to read the message in a separate window.