He became King at 18. May 5th, 1950 was the day the young Bhumibol formally became the King of Thailand at a coronation ceremony. At a time when Thailand was facing political instability, no one could have fathomed how much one man would later earn such reverence from his people through working tirelessly to improve their lives.
He made it rain. The King studied and researched artificial rain making and out of his own pocket launched the Royal Rainmaking Project and more than 4,000 other Development initiatives that were beneficial to Thailand's economic and social growth.
He spoke six languages fluently. These included Thai, English, French, Spanish, German and Latin.
He composed 48 pieces of music. His first piece of music, Saeng Tien, which, when translated means Candle Light, was composed when he was 18.
He was one of the world's longest reigning monarchs. His reign spanned a long 70 years and he'll forever continue to reign our hearts.