The rproFgCatL1 and rmatFgCatL1 were amplified from adult cDNA. The specific primers of rproFgCatL1 and rmatFgCatL1 geneswere designed from the conserved sequence of FgCatL1 gene(GenBank accession no. AF112566), rproFgCatL1 was composed of pro-protein and mature FgCatL1, while rmatFgCatL1 was composed of only mature FgCatL1 sequence. The fragments of rproFgCatL1 andrmatFgCatL1 were inserted into the pGEM-T easy vector (Promega,Madison, USA) and transformed into E. coli DH5. Finally, the puri-fied plasmid-DNA isolated from a single colony of rproFgCatL1 andrmatFgCatL1 were sequenced by Macrogen Inc (South Korea).