Conclusion and Recommendations
Although from 2005, Tanzania started to implement the competence based curriculum in secondary schools, the
findings of this study have revealed that the majority of teachers were not knowledgeable on what competence
based curriculum was all about. In addition, the practices exhibited by the majority of teachers in the selected
schools did not indicate that they were effectively implementing competence based curriculum. Since teachers
are the cornerstone in the implementation of any educational innovation, the implementation of competence
based curriculum in Tanzanian schools is essentially dependent upon the teachers’ knowledge and skills on what
the competence based curriculum entailed. In this regard, the following recommendations are made: first, the
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training should improve the teacher training programmes in order to
provide pre-service teachers with necessary skills for the implementation of competence based curriculum in
schools. Secondly, since curricula changes and introduction of new approaches for teaching and learning are
inevitable, the responsible authorities should conduct regular training for in-service teachers to enable them
acquire up-to-date teaching skills as required by the changes introduced in the school curricula.