The importance of reward in the day-to-day performance of workers‟ duties cannot be over emphasized, especially when it comes to being rewarded for a job done. It is a well-known fact that human performance of any sort is improved by increase in motivation. Going by the findings of this study, it can be easily inferred that workers reward package matters a lot and should be a concern of both the employers and employees.
The results obtained from the hypotheses showed that workers place great value on the different rewards given to them by their employers. Hence, when these rewards are not given, workers tend to express their displeasure through poor performance and non-commitment to their job. It is therefore imperative for the organization to consider the needs and feelings of its work force and not just over look them in order to safe guard industrial harmony, because “a happy worker they say is a productive worker”.
Having stressed the importance of a good remuneration policy on the performance of
workers and the different kinds of reward that can influence workers to perform better on a job, this study can therefore be seen as a call for employers‟ sense of commitment to put in place appropriate incentive plan that will encourage workers to be more purposeful and improve their performance.