Quantum Physics Has Confirmed It – The Universe is Comprised of Information: Here’s What it Means As quantum physics can now confirm, the universe we live in is not made up of solid objects but of energy and information. This discovery holds vast implications for understanding the nature of our world and in understanding the true source of vibrant health. It also means that it is possible to encapsulate all the concepts discussed in the world of holistic natural health into a single unified theory.
Universal law: The true source of health or disease
Since we reside in the universe, it is dictated that we are subject to universal and natural laws. That being said, in an information universe made up of energy, health or disease can only come from one place. That place is from information. The concept goes like this: When the cells in our bodies are aligned with pure, healthy sources of information, we are healthy. Likewise when we are exposed to distorted information fields, we can experience ill-health if we don’t remove the source of the distorted information.
Sources of healthy information fields and distorted information fields
So what are some examples of pure information fields and distorted information fields, you ask? Well, some examples of pure information is eating pure, natural, uncooked organic food and pure filtered water. Putting that type of fuel into our bodies injects pure energy spin and leads to vibrant health. Some examples of distorted information are junk food and the electro-magnetic fields generated by wireless networks and cell phone towers. Junk food laced with GMOs has a negative information energy spin which will eventually cause ill-health if we continue to consume it, while EMF radiation is a source of negative and distorted information which disrupts the body’s energy field and which over time will rob us of vibrant health if the source of the distorted energy is not removed. Pathogens are another source of distorted, disharmonious information. If harmful bacteria or a virus becomes lodged in our system, it creates distortion in the normal operations of our bodies and will cause ill-health.
Encapsulating all health-related information into a single concept
As you can probably tell by now, this information has fundamental implications in the arena of natural health. What it means is that essentially, all information, articles and suggestions we read about natural health are directing us to fill our lives and bodies with clean, health sources of information while avoiding and reducing sources of distorted information. This is the unified key to the source of all health and healing as well as the source of all ill-health and disease. If we use our logic and intuition, it becomes relatively easy to deduce whether a food, energy field or environment is filled with pure spin energy or distorted energy. Then we can consciously make the choice whether or not to interact with said information source. This enables us to powerfully take control of our health destinies and, by extension, our lives; something that all health-conscious individuals are directly or indirectly seeking.
About the Author
Zach C. Miller was raised from an early age to believe in the power and value of healthy-conscious living. He later found in himself a talent for writing, and it only made sense to put two & two together! He has written and published articles about health & wellness and other topics on ehow.com and here on NaturalNews. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Science.
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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of WakingTimes or its staff.
This article appeared at Waking Times.
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Tags: energy, featured, quantum healing, quantum physics
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1 Reader Comment
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drcanderson@icloud.com' Carolyn Anderson
February 6, 2015 at 4:47 AM
Great article, but now what? Let’s take it to the next level…
We know new leading edge concepts in Medicine and Science are shifting our understanding of our biology and bringing awareness of its amazing abilities and attributes to sustain health, alter our own genetics, and decide by choice our physical experience intrinsically, naturally and organically. In fact, it is what we are designed to do and it is how we are designed to operate, and we now understand that it is Consciousness that underscores theses abilities and attributes.
We know that we have a visible body that is the biological-physical aspect of our self, but we also have interconnected and invisible energetic layers as well that make up the ‘wholeness of our being’. These energetic systems all have specific functions and are in constant communication with our physical/visible aspects – receiving, translating and transmitting information.
What is this unseen aspect of ‘our self’ that communicates, to and from all systems, physical and non -physical? What is the information being relayed and how is that received and translated in our physical body? How does it work? Why do we need to understand this? Can we direct that information and communication system consciously?
The principles of Consciousness Based Wellness complement the understanding of the universal mechanics; how the human body both physical and energetic works as an extension of a cooperative universal design and language.
This unique type of Practice serves first to educate. It offers a fundamental understanding of how the Mind –Body- Spirit Complex is configured and functions, how imbalances, misalignments, or dis-ease are created, and how to correct the undesired imbalance, re-align and reclaim the experience of wellness on all levels of being.
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