6. Conclusions and implications
Table 9 presents the outcomes of the hypotheses tested in this
6.1. Conclusions
The results from the sample in this study suggest that closeness
and familiarity (social interactions) are good predictors of trust in a
social network community. A total of 56% of the variation in trust in
a social network community may be explained by a user’s
closeness and familiarity with a social network community
(Fig. 2B). Furthermore, based on our whole sample, trust in a
social network community is a salient factor influencing the
intention to purchase on social commerce websites.
In comparison to closeness, familiarity is a weaker measure of
social impact (see Fig. 2A). Our conclusion is consistent with that of
[41], who also argued that closeness/intimacy is a purer affective
concept and has a greater impact on online users’ behavior or
compared to familiarity.