C. Open Transport Protocol (OTA) layer
The mobile and wireless networks differ from wired
networks regarding the transport layer. In all TCP versions the
assumption is that lost segments are due to network
congestion, while in wireless network losses may occur due to
higher bit error ratio in the radio interface. Therefore, TCP
modifications and adaptation are proposed for the mobile and
wireless networks, which retransmit the lost or damaged TCP
segments over the wireless link only. For 5G mobile terminals
will be suitable to have transport layer that is possible to be
downloaded and installed. Such mobiles shall have the
possibility to download (e.g., TCP, RTP etc. Or new transport
protocol) version which is targeted to a specific wireless
technology installed at the base stations. This is called here
Open Transport Protocol - OTP. [8]
D. Application layer
Regarding the applications, the ultimate request from
the 5G mobile terminal is to provide intelligent QoS
management over a variety of networks. Today, in mobile
phones the users manually select the wireless interface for
particular Internet service without having the possibility to use
QoS history to select the best wireless connection for a given
service. The 5G phone shall provide a possibility for service