A total of 56 394 first vaginal deliveries occurred during the
study period. PPH complicated 0.79% of all 1st vaginal
deliveries were included in this study. Demographic and ethnic
characteristics did not differ between the groups (Table 1).
Pregnancy characteristics of women of the two study
groups are presented in Table 2. Women belonging to the PPH
group were more likely to conceive after fertility treatments
and had more post-term pregnancies. Women in the PPH
group showed a higher rate of hypertensive disorders, PROM
and labor induction. Labor complications and adverse perinatal
outcome including non-progressive labor (NPL) stage 2,
perineal tears grade 2–3, and adherent placenta were found to
be significantly increased in the PPH group. This group also
underwent more vacuum deliveries. Furthermore, women
belonging to the PPH group were more likely to undergo
revision of uterus and cervix and manualysis of the placenta.
In addition, women in the PPH group were found to have a
significantly higher rate of anemia and required blood
transfusion during hospitalization. High rates of episiotomy
were found in both groups. While comparing neonatal
outcomes, macrosomia and non-reassuring fetal heart rate
monitoring were found to be statistically higher in the PPH
group (Table 3).
Using a multiple logistic regression model to control for
confounders, post-term pregnancy, fertility treatments, hypertensive
disorders, NPL stage 2 and perineal tears were found
to be independent risk factors for PPH in first vaginal delivery
(Table 4).
ResultsA total of 56 394 first vaginal deliveries occurred during thestudy period. PPH complicated 0.79% of all 1st vaginaldeliveries were included in this study. Demographic and ethniccharacteristics did not differ between the groups (Table 1).Pregnancy characteristics of women of the two studygroups are presented in Table 2. Women belonging to the PPHgroup were more likely to conceive after fertility treatmentsand had more post-term pregnancies. Women in the PPHgroup showed a higher rate of hypertensive disorders, PROMand labor induction. Labor complications and adverse perinataloutcome including non-progressive labor (NPL) stage 2,perineal tears grade 2–3, and adherent placenta were found tobe significantly increased in the PPH group. This group alsounderwent more vacuum deliveries. Furthermore, womenbelonging to the PPH group were more likely to undergorevision of uterus and cervix and manualysis of the placenta.In addition, women in the PPH group were found to have asignificantly higher rate of anemia and required bloodtransfusion during hospitalization. High rates of episiotomywere found in both groups. While comparing neonataloutcomes, macrosomia and non-reassuring fetal heart ratemonitoring were found to be statistically higher in the PPHgroup (Table 3).Using a multiple logistic regression model to control forconfounders, post-term pregnancy, fertility treatments, hypertensiveพบความผิดปกติ NPL ระยะ 2 และน้ำตา perinealเป็น ปัจจัยเสี่ยงอิสระสำหรับโรงพยาบาลในการคลอดครั้งแรก(ตารางที่ 4)
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