“Ojou-sama. Your father will be arriving very soon.”
The one who appeared is a bird-like monster man, with a cockscomb on his head, a beak for his mouth and wings on his arms!
Abe-senpai nods.
“Yes, I understand. Oh, I still haven’t introduced him yet. He is my personal bodyguard who is also the sky monster, the bird man, Takahashi. He is also the one Hyoudou-kun will be using.”
“Takahashi!? He has a Japanese name like that!? Where in Japan are there bird men like this!?”
“Takahashi came from Kobe.”
“Kobe!? There are bird men in Kobe!?”
“Strange. Bird men are supposed to be legendary monsters, that live on Easter Island…..”
Xenovia, who is quite knowledgeable about monsters, is tilting her neck and is confused.
So there are bird men on Island with a Moai!
“Oh, you must mean the Watanabe family. My ancestor returned to Japan and became Takahashi.”
“Japan and the Easter Island, I don’t get which one is the correct answer! No, I don’t care any more!”
It won’t be good if I think too hard about it! Yeah! There are bird men in Kobe! People living in Kobe, please contact me if you see a bird man!
“So you are the legendary Dragon who Ojou-sama requested for help….the man who is possessed by the Sekiryuutei? Fufufu, I see, you have a good look. I’m Takahashi. My name is Sky which stands for glittering sky. Let’s get along.”
The bird man “Takahashi Sky”, comes to shake my hand, while acting like a gentleman. He’s a bird man with a name which is so glittering that it’s killing my name.
“Yes, let’s get along. Is the reason why I’m getting frustrated over your name, which sounds so modern, because of me still being young?”
“Fufufu, being young is good. When I was young, I also had a special talent to forget things, when I took three steps.”
“That just means you're a bird-brain! Though, you still look like you have a bird’s head appearance wise! Also that isn’t a special talent! That’s your weak point, a weak point! It’s not even a good point!”
This is the worst. A Snow Gorilla, a tuna with legs, and a human with a bird’s head. They only make me think of the bad guys in Tokusatsu shows……. And also their names are Christie, Estleena, and Takahashi….. Crap, my tears aren’t stopping.
“Ise, do your best. We will also back you up.”
Buchou gives me a cheer! Buchooou! So kind! To be expected from my Onee-sama!
But I still have doubts. Why did she accept this request so smoothly? Is there a reason behind Buchou, who adores her servants, accepting this crazy request from Abe-senpai?
“Why did you accept Abe-senpai’s request this time?”
Buchou smiles at my question.
“You know, I also had trouble with an engagement. That’s why, you know I was a bit…., yeah…”
……Oh yeah. Buchou was also forced into an engagement, with her fiancé chosen by her parents, during the first semester. Buchou sought for love that she chooses herself and she hated her engagement. So we, her servants, broke that off. Buchou might have seen herself in Abe-senpai.
“I understand! I will do my best!”
“Yes, to be expected from my lovely Ise.”
Buchou strokes my cheek. Yeah, it’s the best.
But she also says while smiling.
“You can’t show improper intentions towards Abe Kiyome-san.”
Her smiles had superb intensity behind it! Scary! Akeno-san then whispers into my ear.
“Buchou can tolerate, to a certain degree, the girls around her, but did you know she’s very strict with other people? Cheating on her won’t be good.”
“Akeno, I can hear you.”
“Ara ara, so scary.”
Munyun! Akeno-san who is in her swimsuit is hugging meeee~! Maybe because I’m only wearing togs, I can feel Akeno-san’s big breasts directly on my skiiin~! Aaaaaah, I have nosebleeds that are bursting out, because of her smooth and elastic oppai! Akeno-san’s body feels like it is glued onto my skin and is really hard to resist!
Buchou pinches my cheek while making a sigh. Ouch ouch! Buchou sure worries too much. You know I have no plan to have a master besides Buchou?
At the pool Asia, Xenovia and Kiba are playing with a ball. Koneko-chan and Gasper are floating while relaxing in swimming rings.
Ah, everyone besides me is relaxing. I might end up getting dragged into a difficult battle…… Seriously, when I’m in danger, please save me everyone.