Phase I: The metrics and glossary should be validated further and data collection
for historical performance of DSM that has this highest influences the reliability.
Similarly, the Reliability Assessment Subcommittee (RAS) is requested to obtain
forecast DSM for reliability assessments.
Phase II: Once the historic data collection approach is developed and analysis
begun, data collection can be expanded to those programs that have a smaller
influence reliability. The RAS should mirror this approach in future reliability
assessment data collection.
Data requirements are driven by the desired metrics/analysis. In a subsequent section of this
report, recommendations are provided for both, which are the basis of the data collection
After evaluating DSM categorization, the task force identified those which have the highest
influence on reliability and selected these for Phase I historic and forecast assessment.
Mindful of the Load Forecasting Working Group’s suggestions, the task force also included
these items in their Phase I recommendations.
Phase II items where then added, with advice from the Resource Issues Subcommittee, to
complete the recommendations.