His family had lived in an apartment there didn't allow pet. One summer his family moved to small bungalow. They feel like the house belonged to them,including having a pet.
One day, while he and his sister,Denise. They trying to decide what to do during a rather boring summer vacation. The huge tabby colored tomcat came and brushed his long fur against their leg. They saws a cat. The cat was Maine coon .They want to take cat for a pet , but their parents don't agree. After,they saw the cat only occasionally. The cat renewed its efforts to be adopted.In the rain,a cat on top of mailbox.Still,their parents wouldn't let bring the cat inside,which reduced Denise to tears. It was a rainy October.By this time the cat had spent several wet,cold night outside. Finally their parents relented and their farther allowed them brought the cat onto the porch for the night. But don't let it into the house. Denise take care a cat and she slept with the cat.The next morning,they packed the cat to the veterinarian. Because their family want to make sure about healthy of cat