The theoretical basis for plant tissue culture was proposed by Gottlieb Haberlandt, German Academy of science in1902 on his experiments on the culture of single cell. The first true cultures were obtained by Gautheret from cambial tissue of Acer pseudoplatanus.
The term plant tissue culture (Micro propagation) is generally used for the aseptic culture of cells, tissues, organs and their components under defined chemical and physical conditions in vitro. The basic concept of the plant body can be dissected into smaller part termed as “explants” and any explants can be developed into a whole plant. It is a central innovative areas of applied plant science, including agriculture and plant biotechnology. This technique is effective because almost all the plants cell are totipotent; In each cell possesses the genetic information and cellular machinery necessary to generate the whole organism. Since, this technique can be used to produce a higher number of plants that are genetically similar to a parent plant as well as to another.