The bamboo, or bamboo Maria cut and shall be nailed three different sizes hammering a stand called " hammered repeatedly or nailed -san" is big , about 6 mm wedge weave crosswise called "nail dumplings or pegs. Om "is large , about 3-4 mm and" hammering cards " for the weaving section of approximately 2 mm larger wedge formation is hammered repeatedly on the buttocks . Each 2- Shang wedge weave together the bottom with a " denim " then hit the bottom next to the mold . Use a skewer diagonally nailed to the bottom of the mold. Folding pegs as published by the gradual separation of the pair repeatedly hammered into individual strands then weave flirt with "pattern review " is carried across the line . Sustain higher demand Then use a hammer tiles up. The cards using stamping cards 2 lines per one around about polishing the same high card approximately 5 cm , and then " compresses " is not nailed Shang is left up to the fold down against the Rams duplicate the right porridge late nailed plug. firmly nailed down with a pint It can strike the user needs.