#4 Finish- Also called brushed, di-rectional or satin finish A number 4
finish, characterized by fine polish-ing grit lines that are uniform and
directional in appearance. The final
abrasive used in the process is 150 to
220 grit.
#6 Finish - Polished finish achieved
with the equivalent of a 240-grit
abrasive. Finer grit lines and higher
reflectivity than n No. 4 finish.
#7 Finish- Highly reflective sur-face obtained with the equivalent
of a 320-grit abrasive. Minimal grit
#8 Finishor Mirror Finish - pro-duced by polishing with at least a
320 grit belt or wheel finish. The
part is then sisal and color buffed to
achieve a mirror-like finish