HipHopLead- What’s good Juscelino, what’s popping your way?
On the Grind man, working on more beats to add to my Catalog and sipping on some Jameson on the rocks. You want a glass?
HipHopLead- For starts is Juscelino your real name or artist name? If it’s not your Govt. can you tell us why you chose that?
My name was inspired by Juscelino Kubitschek. He was a prominent Brazilian politician who was President of Brazil from 1956 to 1961. His term was marked by economic prosperity and political stability, being most known by the construction of a new capital, Brasília. I grew up with a couple Brazilian friends in FL and they introduced me to all the customs (S/O to Guilherme & Gil). Besides having some of the most beautiful women, I love the Brazilian culture, from the food to the music. Plus nobody has ever heard of this name. I just wanted something that sounded different.